I was going to put this in my own map's thread (#40 - Ondeet) but I figure it'll get better circulation :-) here.


This is very much a for what it's worth / your mileage may vary offering, but it embodies what Deadshade was saying about easily inferred truths. Any terrestrial ball even remotely Earth-sized is likely to sort out its general circulation into Ferell cells & Hadley cells that generate those drier (orange tint) and wetter (green) bands. Those in turn generate some prevailing winds something like shown. Those are averages, not even taking seasons into account, but they are enough to let us guess "oh, look - if mountains there, winds thus, so maybe desert or steppe downwind?" I needed such a thing to kickstart my creativity - any and every other Guildworlder is totally free to ignore or twist it to their own ends.

Robbie, as far as cheese warfare - of *course* there is cheese warfare. It was foretold: "Fromage to age there will be conflict"...