Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
This is now a Very Large Planet. Circumference by my reckoning is 45456 miles (Earth is 24860 mi).

This is incorrect.
From what I observed, my country had its southern shore translated some 10° northwards while its northern shore stayed broadly at the same latitude.
The N/S distance is alpha x R where alpha (in radians) is the difference between the N and S latitudes and R the radius of the planet.
So if I assume that R didn't change, this N/S distance has decreased by (alpha (original) - alpha (new)) x R, e.g ~0.17 x R = 0.17x 5 000 = 850 km
This distance was originally approx 3 250 km so that it has to be decreased by 850/3250 ~25 % what is not so much .

Conclusion :

The planet didn't become bigger but the countries became SMALLER. There is Nothing to be changed with the radius, so gravity, climate etc is as initially described .
But as NOTHING changed with the radius, Nothing changed with the angular scale. We have still 10° = 850 km like on day 1. If you want to know the distances of your country, you just multiply angles in degrees by 85 km.
This scale is ONLY defined for the equator and all longitudinal circles.
If one wanted to have finer scales taking in account the distortion with latitude, it would be necessary to do several scales by latitude bands like what jbgibson did.