Thank you all for the praise, it's really raising my motivation up on a high level again.

I created the roads quite easily (in Gimp):
1) Set paths where the roads shall be. Here pay attention to nice shapes, no sharp edges and angles, rather smooth curves, depending on the terrain the road is running through and the scale of the map.
2) Stroke the path using the function Gimp offers. The settings are Black color, dots, 1px wide. (it's a bit difficult for me to translate into English and as you're German too I also give the German description of the settings: "Linienbreite 1, Farbe Schwarz, Vollfarbe. Stil: Punkte, runder Aufsatzstil, schräger Verbindungsstil, Rest egal."
3) Experiment with the look as there are some presets for dots and short lines and stuff.

However, the roads may look so thin because I rescaled the image due to the size limitations on the Guild. The original gimp data has twice as large edges and therefor four times as many pixels.

Yeah, I didn't expect the gap to be almost three years but I had lots of stuff to do in my life (finished my first B.A. studies, started a second one, this that and lots of other things). Also I started work on the Renaliac map in the other thread and city maps. Also i often work on the world itself, inventing things, discovering places, meeting people, making up languages and politics and history. So working on this map is only one part of many. However, it's an important part as I plan to one day finally finish the map and print it and hang it at the walls of my room.

The mapping speed now mostly depends on how fast I come up with names for the nameless parts as the mountains are eventually done and the style is now very much to my liking.

Your praise makes me giggle like an infant.