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Thread: Guildworld - Climate and Biome discussion

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  1. #7
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I did a test with a Mollweide projection (equal area) to get some numbers. The numbers are not exactly precise but they give us an idea.

    First, let's start with what we know.

    • The world circumference at the equator is 38 624,256 km
    • Each line of latitude represents 15 degrees.
    • The radius is 6147,23 km if I got my math right. The Earth is 6378 km.
    • The world cover an area of 474 864 919,6 km2, the Earth is 510 067 000 km2. Mars is 144 800 000 km2.

    I did a Mollweide projection, useful since it's equal area.
    • On my Mollweide projection, the world covers 9 806 000 px.
    • Of which Water covers 52% and land 48% (Earth 71% / 29%)
    • The largest continent t is covering about 28,88% of the world.

    Now, in order to go further, I will assume several things:

    1. the original map is an equirectangular projection
    2. the axial tilt is similar to Earth's. Otherwise, a lot of places will never receive rain and will be deserts
    3. we will assume that a day is more or less 24 hours because it's more convenient and longer days would mean larger temperature differences. Unless somebody prefer the other way.
    4. As Deadshade mentioned already in a previous message: The temperatures are approximately proportional to the cosine of the latitude. This directly follows from the fact that the planet is spherical. The maximum temperature must be below 100°C and above 0°C to allow for liquid water. So we will assume that it's not too different from Earth. Otherwise, we reduce the number of habitable places.
    5. The atmosphere is made of 3 circulation cells
    6. Magic exist, but we should try to ignore it for now.
    Last edited by Azélor; 04-16-2016 at 06:46 PM.

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