Well, this is my second digital map, and I figured I'd try something I haven't done before - not having all landmasses be islands.
The result of the major landmass being connected to the edges of the map mean that I don't have to cram mountain ranges on ever significant island just so that I can support enough rivers to make settling logical.
I also scaled this map down a bit in comparison to my usual stuff - rather than focussing on several continents, I'm working with a single inland sea region, though I haven't decided on an exact scale yet. The Bosphorus Strait popped into my mind a lot here, so I might use that as a reference.
I drew the mountain ranges a bit to small in the initial version, so I upscaled them; if you zoom in a lot they might be a little vague as a result, but I feel it holds together fairly well on a 100% zoom.
What do you guys think?Newmap.jpg