OK as it is better to do today what I might not be able to do tomorrow, here is a sketch of the climate on our planet.
Tha basics are that it has a size comparable to teh Earth, not a big axe tilt and a reasonable rotation speed.
From that follows that it will have 3 atmospheric circulation cells on each hemisphere : Hadley cell, Ferrel cell and Polar cell.
Atmospheric cells are the energy engine of the planet - you must imagine a huge vertical loop where the air rises on one side, travels in high altitude, sinks on the other side and then travels again back on ground altitude.

On the left side of the map you can see the extents of the cells as well as an indication of where the air rises and where it sinks. This is important for those who would like to elaborate farther because the places where the air rises are always low pressure while where it sinks are always high pressures. Everywhere where the air rises, the adiabatic expansions leads to precipitations whose amount dépends on the humidity on ground.
The colored arrows show then the direction that the air takes ON GROUND. Indeed it is uninteresting to show the air direction in the high altitude part of the loop.

White arrows show the cold polar air in the polar cell.
Blue Arrow show the temperate more or less humid air in the Ferrel cell.
Yellow arrows show the hot dry air in the Hadley cell.

From that follow the principal climatic zones.
White : Arctic
Green : Temperate humid
Yellow : Desert
Purple : Tropical humid

It clearly shows that the central continent is horribly dry. In particular Gameprinter's and Waldronate's countries are hell on Earth. The temperatures go over 50°C during the day and below 0°C during the night. Clouds and flowing water are unknown there and when it rains upon a freaky conjunction (only possible in summer every 20 years or so) it is a few drops which mostly evaporate before they hit the ground. Imagine the planet Dune in a drier version.
I like Waldronate's intuition which made him call his country "Dry lands". His people have brought understatement to an art

Guild World Map base 00c(climate).jpg