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Thread: Continent Map need - Toron

  1. #1

    Help Continent Map need - Toron

    Good Afternoon everyone, my name is Jordan and I am looking for some help with building a continent map for a DnD 5e campaign I am running that is being recorded for a podcast. I have some ideas of the world, and some requirements for it as well. I have been attempting to utilize generators and pre-constructed maps for the last week with no satisfaction.

    I can make a small payment for the work, not much, but something to say thank you.

    I would like something decently details, but it doesn't have to be over the top.

    I don't have access to private messages just yet, so e-mail will work best for contacting me. is my e-mail. We can discuss further. Thank you everyone for reading.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Hey Jordan, could you link some examples for the kind of map you`re looking for?

  3. #3


    To give an idea of kind of what I was looking at, here are a few links to some maps that I think exhibit what I am looking for:

    These are all about what I would like to see. I am also going to post the VERY Rough draft that explains the kingdoms and some of the cities and areas so it can kinda inform what I am looking for.

    The below is a very rough draft about the kingdoms and such.

    The world is called Toron (Pronouced Toe-Ron)

    There are 5 major kingdoms or Toron, all spread out a bit, but have contact with each other to some extent for trade and political reasons.

    The 5 Kingdoms only have walls around their capital city and castle, but scattered around them are other cities and villages progressing downwards in size as you get further away from the capitol.

    These Kingdoms are Agraron (Ag-rare-on) The human kingdom, and most progressive of the kingdoms allowing race intermingling and seeks to uphold the treaty signed by the five kingdoms 500 years before the setting of our story. The vast majority of of the inhabitants are human, half-ling or gnomes, but it is no surprise to meet dwarfs, minotaurs, elves and other races in this city.

    Leonate - A kingdom on a prominent peninsula. Known as a major trade hub for the land, and supports a strong navy and sea -faring populous. This kingdom is very diverse in their races, showing elves, humans, goblins, moogles (yes moogles from final fantasy)Bangaas, and many more races)

    Elyuna - The elvish kingdom nestled in a large wooded area. In the center of the woods is a huge tree, which services as their capitol and castle. The elves are more standoff from the rest of the kingdoms but not in the elitist sense but because much of their land was taken from them in the signing of the treaty. They have the smallest area of the kingdoms and their participation in the war was only one of self defense.

    Thunder Peaks - This kingdom is places in the snowy mountain range in the north. After the war three races became the main inhabitants for this area in an unlikely friendship, the Dwarfs, the Minotaurs, and the Orcs. A large portion of orcs still live in nomadic groups away from the civilized areas, and a sparse few minotaur clans as well, but a large amount found common ground with the Dwarfs and make up a this kingdoms area.

    Teralia - The final kingdom is located in a coastline. The inhabitants of this area include the Bangaa, Dragonborn, Tieflinds, and Khajitte. Teralia is not far from a vast desert area and a dense bog-land. Teralia known to be the home of more illustrious arts such as the arcane, alchemy, gem-craft and much more. Here is where craftsmen learn more specialized arts, and word has it, more black market items can be found here.

    There are a few major "independent" cities scatted about as well in the world, as well as nomadic groups and villages who seek to stay out of the kingdoms.

    One such city is in an isolated area in the north. It is a known for powerful wizards and cast-offs from the kingdoms. Drows, tieflings, and other races that seem casted aside from the kingdoms call this place home. The city is not immense and in the center is a large tower.

    Legend has it, in the great lake to the south east, an underwater city exists but no one has confirmed this.
    Last edited by Fedo; 02-10-2016 at 03:42 PM.

  4. #4


    I'd be interested in this project. Shoot me a message whenever possible if interested.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Redleg View Post
    I'd be interested in this project. Shoot me a message whenever possible if interested.
    Fedo needs to make 3 more posts before they can use private messaging.

  6. #6


    Has this project been taken? If so I'll go ahead and archive this.


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