I love flowers - my favourite flower is the bluebell, but I'm very fond of common flowers too - even dandelions. (and you can make wine from those by the way...) So it has always seemed natural for me to add them in. I also think they add extra subtle colour to a map too but mostly I like them.

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Ah yes, it is the classic quandary - how to shorten the time of city mapping to make it more cost effective.
It's still a problem. I have some work coming up with larger cities and I really need to find a way to reduce that time requirement.
People see Menzheim and Haerlech and they're like can we do that? And I think - sure, if you can afford to pay for that many hours.
Which is usually no. So yes, must find faster ways that don't compromise too much.
I see this a lot particularly from people who are all "I want a village/town/city map that looks schleyish/like whatever but that I can do/can be done quickly". I just don't think you can do them quickly outside of plopping down predrawn buildings and things. It's one of the reasons I love settlement maps so much - they are more intimate with great room for characterful features, but are obviously more work as a result. Sure anyone can do them (and I encourage everyone to give them a try!) but there is a lot of time and effort involved. My own process is pretty refined but it still takes ages. So the cost should reflect that if you're going for the level of detail as in this map.