Okay, thank you all for your input. I completely agree with everything all of you added. Since the original trees were more of an outline, the pine forest should be more of an outline.

Unfortunately, two things occurred when I did this; 1.) I didn't care for the look of it; I just couldn't make it match the other treeline, and 2.) I have tendency when I hit a wall I do nothing with it, and the project dies an abrupt death.

So, after a few weeks of working completely around this on other stuff, I decided to just try and get going on this again and go with a more singular, spread out look. I agree with what DanielHasenbos hit on; the two styles didn't match, so I changed them to be more similar. Let me know what you think:

Overall Map-004.jpg Close Up 003-A.jpg Close Up 003-B.jpg

I did save the other layers and I might revisit them later; I know I didn't really satisfy my answer for how to do it that way, but I have a feeling I won't care for the look of it.

I've got to add a desert and probably some sort of detail in the water. I'm going to revisit my city symbols as well. One of the guys from the game group thought the city at the top of the map looked like a circus, so I think I want to do something different with them.