Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
These maps are so inspiring, great job. Your mountains and hills are so well done. Only one small observation would be the full ridge line for Lake grey could maybe use a second ridge line so the full Lake doesn't look like it could go over the wall? Have some reps
Good observation. This was something I struggled with knowing how to best represent. Grey lake is supposed to sit atop a sort of plateau, so I didn't want to recess the lake too much. However a small recession may have been a good choice. Food for thought for future maps.

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Gorgeous map Arsheesh! I like it even more than the previous one. Those buildings are also superb. And speaking of those, why Thunder Falls is absent of the colored version?
Good eye. Yup, Josiah has the right of it, there are a number of small changes between the maps having to do with their different time-lines. In this case however Thunder Falls actually appears in the final version of both maps sent to my client. However I must have accidentally uploaded an older version of the map...oops.
