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Thread: The Peak

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Wip The Peak

    First and foremost I'm an author, but for my upcoming book I needed to get down the borders and layout of my city, The Peak, as it was getting hard work to juggle.

    This is my initial pass. Going to go in deeper next time and try and produce a really high res version with individual detailing.

    Essentially the city is built on the remnants left behind by an extinct society, made from a deep, tough resin. The area round it floods, so anything which is off the main disc of the city is liable to get washed away. Theres no law, a shortage of wood--and stone won't stick to the resin, so pretty much every building is clay or mud and end up falling on top of each other. There's an aqueduct which hauls buckets up to the top, and a cistern which distributes it via three pipes to the city.

    All help welcome. I will probably look at commissioning a proper map when I'm closer to publication


  2. #2


    It's a very original concept. The paper texture is very strong and make the surrounding lands a bit hard to see imho. Also, I would use a more legible font.

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Well I think if the font itself is the issue, rather just the color of it. White really don't work with that background. But yeah I agree the paper texture is a bit too strong!

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected Robulous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    London, UK


    Sounds like a great story and I actually love that paper texture, but to use that strong a background you really need a strong foreground. The stroke on the white lettering makes it difficult to read.

    You also need to beef up what's happening in the town, it's tough to make out what's what. I'm guessing the black lines are walls and the grey bits houses... is there a river? If so I can't see it. Are the dashed lines at the top meant to be fields? They're hard to see and it's unclear what they represent.

    Personally I'm not so keen on the numbers and notations thing - it's a style many guild greats often opt for but I prefer to see things labelled where possible.

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