Quote Originally Posted by Elterio Delgard View Post

The hard part is to be able to have a different labeling system with each society, same goes with giving names to the characters. For exemple, the Kastosian map is just random names. The Assionian Empire, I did a little bit of linguistic (Areth means land, earth). For the Ustringald Republic, I forgot... For the Nalohosians, I took name of cities in England and changed them a bit.
I want people to notice that the labeling changes with the civilization.

Oh, and for your info, my 3x2 map is but half of it. Right now it's 4x3, but the image is 15Mb so I cannot post it.
Interesting! In future maps I'd like to put more into my names.

If you export the images as a JPG you can tone down the quality and it cuts the size a lot.