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Thread: Creation a map for me to tinker with

  1. #11


    Unless I add any last new locations (other maps) to this one, which honestly is a ongoing process, I am mostly done expect for the ever fun process of labeling stuff. The base Exalted map uses a Red ink for its labels and traditionally I attempt to stay black with my labeling however I wanted to color it. Thing is that the size of the font and the color, with placement over forests, hills and/or mountains does make it difficult to read it. Further the smallest font I use makes it hard to head at 100% however being that these are the smaller details I'm not sure if I really want to change that, experiments are going to be interesting. I believe this is going to get worse once I 'bleed' the text for the faux-handcrafted look.

    The blue and tan are the colors I'm going for with regards to the default land and sea. The key uses Blue, Black, Green, Red for the colors of the four directions. I will be shading the forests, hills, mountains, deserts, etc.. once I get the textures going (after I figure out how I'm doing the text).

    Creation -Earthdawn-Mekton-Numenera.jpeg
    Last edited by rentauri; 05-25-2015 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Not sure what happened but I needed to upload this a couple of times to get it attached right.

  2. #12


    This map was just to test the text size changes as the last map had a problem with the text size being unreadable at 100% zoom (that and the red wasn't great). As a result the map is missing the water/lava I toss in along with the blending (Multiply in GIMP) of the Mountains, Forests and Hills I normally toss in before posting these changes. I having gotten as much time with the map as I wanted.

    Creation -Earthdawn-Mekton-Numenera.jpeg

  3. #13


    So I've gotten to the point where I have fixed the text size and decided to make it white. I've begun to shade the various features for the world and place them. I haven't added the background color to the rivers yet which I will be doing.

    Creation -Earthdawn-Mekton-Numenera.jpeg

    Did a couple of quick changes to make it a tad more colorful.

    Creation -Earthdawn-Mekton-Numenera Alternate.jpeg
    Last edited by rentauri; 06-10-2015 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Added second map

  4. #14


    Been taking a break from the map for awhile to actually use it for my Exalted games. So far my players have really enjoyed using it but I wanted to add two more things. From the Numenera world book (its one of my favorite settings despite a few problems I have with it) I brought in the kingdom of Vralk and Rayskel Cays. Vralk just seemed like a great potential for a Lunar charged nation and Rayskel Cays because I wanted sometime more in the Dreaming Sea besides a vast body of water.

    I haven't (and likely won't) 'bleed' my text to make it more fully look like parchment and ink simply because my players (and I) found it easier to read like this and that is what matters in the end.

    Creation, Final Steps1.jpeg

  5. #15


    Hi there.

    Just registered to thank you for that gorgeous map. I don't think I'm gonna use the full map for my game, as I'd rather keep the Port Calin/Goodharbor area as mainland, but I've yet to see anything half as evolved for 3E!

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by boz0 View Post
    Hi there.

    Just registered to thank you for that gorgeous map. I don't think I'm gonna use the full map for my game, as I'd rather keep the Port Calin/Goodharbor area as mainland, but I've yet to see anything half as evolved for 3E!
    Thanks very much. I haven't been back to the site in a while so I wish I had seen this post when it was originally posted. One of the main reasons I moved Port Calin off the main land was the same reason I did it with Medo. It isolated them allowing the Realm to turn these Satraps into Fortresses against the Scavenger Lands and use them to jump off from as mid range bases on campaigns into the North and East. Beyond that I did it to help show that what was once a river in Exalted is now a narrow straight to perhaps even a gulf.


    My games have been a blast using this map and my players have been focused on the South East, in the Lands of Numenera. These lands were drowned in the Wyld 800 years ago during the Balorian Crusade and when the Sword of Creation was used to turn back the Crusade and Numenera was somehow stabilized and returned to Creation. While the stabilization matches the use of the Sword of Creation no one believes that Sword could reclaim the lands lost by the Wyld so the question that scholars ask is why here. Further the lands were re-established however they were not set right. How? no one can really say but the lands never seem completely right, as if they are semi alien to both Creation and Wyld dwellers but to the people of Numenera they are home. Sorcerer Savants of the lands, mainly those of the Order of Truth believe that when the lands were re created they were simply (as simply as something this wondrous could be) 'stamped' on top of the Wyld and they believe that the lands exist over a rolling sea of Pure Chaos waiting to bubble over and erupt. They work to find how to stop it (as the Jagged Dream a Wyld Cult works to cause the eruptions) and possibly stabilize Numenera so they are like Creation itself.

    My players are Solars that traveling in nation of Milave, a confederation of alliances and political bickering, and have been caught up in the events of the nation. The nation to the west the Pytharon Sovereignty, who ruled Milave a century ago before it was lost in rebellion, invaded the country. The players have teamed up with the Warlord Tarvesh (a Genghis Khan + Richard Lionheart inspired character) to repel the invaders and stabilize the nation under one rule. During the first major battle, the breaking the Siege of Aian, Tarvesh exalted as a Dawn Caste (War Supernal) and after destroying the invasion he took control of the city and of course announced to everyone Solars walked Milave (another problem they are dealing with). The players are assisting Tarvesh with the war effort however underneath this war has been a Rakshasa subplot dealing with Iron Wind (a wind that looks like iron dust that acts like almost Pure Chaos when touched) and their 'experiments' on mortals. The PCs have begun to suspect that the War and the Rakshasa are connected but they don't completely know.


    After one of the adventures one player requested a regional map of Numenera in Creation to make it easier to see and understand. I finished it a couple of months ago and needed to make changes to it so I figured I would post it here. Lots of places are blank or bland because I haven't decided what I want to do with them yet. As the campaign reaches those areas or news about said locations develop I plan to change and update the map. The Empire of Parsad and Ysyr are my two 'big bads' but right now they are very blank and bland. I'm hoping to be inspired and have them up and designed within the year but the good news is that they aren't intended to be major plot points for awhile, unless my PCs get frisky which being PCs they likely will.

    Numenera - Map.jpg

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