Wow, I'm getting slack. I missed these comments and just saw them. For shame.
Quote Originally Posted by SrgDark View Post
Looks amazing man. You always continue to impress me.
Thanks Srg
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Wow. Just wow! I joked before that you were a machine. Now I'm thinking you're an alien!

I think I actually like this one better than Fuervald because the colours here really appeal to me. I love the grass along the clifftops and those stairs down the cliff are fab. And the waves rolling in on the beach.... sigh... I need a holiday somewhere warm!

It's fantastic work. Won't be able to rep you again so soon, but I wish I could.
An alien machine I can live with that.
Fuervald was more of a test of style, but this one was more directed and I think it shows.
I need a holiday too. One by the water would be nice.
Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
I'm stunned how your work always strikes a chord in me that says: this is one of the fantastic places of desire you were always looking for, even if you didn't know it yet. Thanks for that John! A shame i can't rep you again... The umi-no-toridean color scheme is lovely and evokes images of aegean villages, and the fact that this is a pirate nest, makes it even better Looking forward to see that one-day town ... one day ... if the temptation of details isn't too strong. But i guess everyone here is happy seeing the "byproducts" of this task.
Thanks Abu I actually managed a one day town/city though it's not been posted yet.
It's part of a book concept I'm working on. Of course it's a black and white scheme, but still... one day settlement achieved.
Quote Originally Posted by AzurePlanet View Post
Here is another one of your wonderful little masterpieces!
Thanks so much Azure
Quote Originally Posted by ghostywheat View Post
Wow, love this map. Great artwork.
Thanks Ghosty