Sorry again for the turned picture. Will change that later when I have time. I would like to know though what you think of my drawing style, if you think I should change something or add some détails and all.
Don't worry, I am already thinking of doing another version of my world once this one is done (yes I am a madman x.x). Sooner or later I will be starting two new threads.
1-Espaltorado: I have four maps of another continent that I will be working on soon (still have not finished the first version though)
2-Eyassendil Sea: Will be a smaller part of my evozen continent but I will be going in depth, talking of demography, of the different civilizations and their ideology and religious beliefs. Will also have alot of description on my main Empire, the Empire of Kastos of which I will be describing their history, their technology, their glory and bad behaviour as well. So far I have not talked really about my story so if you are interested stay alert for new posts from me .