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Thread: Relict project (general & local maps)

  1. #21


    OK, so I didn't used the correct "noise" (I used the "Wilbur add noise" filter). Not sure to get it right : is your last picture the result of all the previous pictures and actions or each picture is obtained with each set of filters?

  2. #22
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    Each picture shows the result of applying the specified filters to the first (basic layer cake) image, not to the previous image.

  3. #23


    Ok, thanks! So, you would recommend to try the last one with 4-5 erosion (by precipitation) cycles, right?

  4. #24
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    I would recommend trying 4 or 5 cycles. If you want to go even further (and don't have internal basins), running another round of basin fill, incise flow (amount=1, exponent=0.4), and precipiton erosion (passes=1) would add a bit more crinkly detail without a whole lot of extra processing time:


  5. #25


    Thanks again ! I'm gonna try that right away!

    Hum, looks a bit messy in the end... At least I spotted a mistake in the contours .
    I'm gonna try without the second round.
    B6 w.jpg
    Last edited by Ilanthar; 06-09-2016 at 01:58 PM.

  6. #26


    Hum, very different method and not the same combination of textures/layers in the end, but I think I kinda like this version (done with basin fill -1, incised flow 1 & exp 0,4, blur, erosion 10 passes, and the same a second time without the blur).
    R B6.jpg
    I'll try it on the other tile.

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