Try this: (I know you have been able to do this awhile in Photoshop, not sure if it is same in Essentials)

You will need Brush Preset toolbar, and Paths toolbar open (Window > Paths... Window > Brush Preset)

Before you start make sure you select the brush you want, and adjust the size to what you want (at the top, or quick keys [ or ] )

In PATHS window at the bottom hit the button that looks like a rectangle with a circle in it to create a new Path layer.

Select the path layer in the Path window

Use PEN tool to draw the shape you want, you can make multiple shapes in one layer.

Right click the path layer in the Path window, select "Stroke path"

Select Brush from drop down.

If that is confusing, you might google search a tutorial! If you aren't using photoshop... whoops!