Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
That was pretty fast!
Hmmm... honestly I don't really like the fill you've chosen for the walls.
How does the bottom one relate to the top one?
Well, we can't agree on everything. But you are very welcome to show me what you think is a better way to handle it, I tend to not see if there is a better way to do it until I can compare it to something that actually is better or worse.

I made it like this because they seem to have done so traditionally at some point in time (found stuff here http://www.british-history.ac.uk/rch...vol1/pp332-341)

Do you mean how you get to the bottom one from the first one? Stairs at 6 lead to 7, so the crypt is located under ground and rotated to fit the page, it looked strange to have it in the logical direction.

Quote Originally Posted by Islacrusez View Post
Hmm... Where do the pillars in the courtyard go? Do they support some sort of roof? Would there then not be vegetation in the permanent shade between the pillars and the walls?
This is a good observation and probably true. I imagine there is a glass roof or that the pillars are just for decoration, as I guess the garden needs some direct light to flourish. I didn't think too much about it honestly! I will keep stuff like that in mind going forward, thanks!