Well this was more of a population distribution map; kind of working out the major landmarks and population centres (particularly the two cities, Saena and Alba) so I could build culture around them. The island itself has a major peak in the centre (Mont Celeste - probably the laziest named mountain I could think of). I will probably go back and do a topographical map to show elevation later, particularly once I've drawn up the lines for the rest of the world this is set in. I've done rough drafts of the wider setting:


(The island is towards the middle- it grew rich as a trading port.) My main problem at the moment is it reminds me too much of Europe, which I want to change.

But, semester and work and life have gotten in the way. So I will finish it, but it might take me a while.

In terms of names, culture-building helped a lot. I like to cobble together specific cultural practices, or landscape features, as well as just place-inspired names from wikipedia. Like shaking them all up in a hat
