That is truly awesome. I do find the red (elevation?) lines somewhat strong and distracting. I can't imagine how long this took you, really great stuff. The attention to the waterways/docks and the roads and the train lines is really marvelous.
Hi all,
I've been working on a city/county map for my fantasy setting for a while now.
This map is of one region in the city. It's nearing completion but I still have quiet a bit of tidying up to do.
The style is based on Victorian OS maps which I worked with for a while and really liked.
This is one map of a larger design consisting of at least 16 (better to aim high I guess).
I hope you like it and please feel free to critique. I will post updates as I progress (I hope).
Attachment 84941
That is truly awesome. I do find the red (elevation?) lines somewhat strong and distracting. I can't imagine how long this took you, really great stuff. The attention to the waterways/docks and the roads and the train lines is really marvelous.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the critique and your taking the time to advise Falconius.
I agree with you about the red lines. They stand out too much as they are now. I'm going to redo them smaller and add some height counters at points to see if that helps. I will need them in for the county areas on later maps so I better find a solution which looks good
Thanks again for having a look.
This looks great, but I will have to agree with the red lines. I've yet to try any city maps myself but I'm always impressed when I see something like this, it looks like a lot of work. Looking forward to seeing more!
Hi and thanks so much for the critique! I've been making progress but I'll hold off an update until the changes are significant
Thanks also btw for your advice here. I really appreciate it and have started to mess around with some of my input settings in PS to try and achieve a similar result. I am very optimistic![]()
Hi all,
I'm just about finished with this map to a point. It may look like little has changed but for now I have removed the topography lines, added a canal as far as the docklands for trade and industry, cleaned up every building and added a mesh overlay, named many of the businesses and points of interest.
Attachment 85566
You may also notice the very obvious blanks around the edges of the map. This is because this map is 1 of 16. This roughwork image below shows the position of this first map and the map I have started just above it. This is the wider Grimmsmouth county area.
Attachment 85567
This also shows my normal work process. I take a real world topographic map and then overlay chopped up real world maps at a smaller scale on top of a quick sketch. I then go over the whole thing carefully to create my own map
Hope you enjoy and please comment or critique if you wish.
Thank you so much IL![]()
Hi all,
As this is very much a WIP thread I am posting some progress images
I have made good headway into section 1-5 of the Grimmsmouth map as indicated by the red asterix in the post 3 above this one. The current completed map has been stitched together below to give an indication of the spread of the city. Some housekeeping is needed where they join.
Attachment 86129
I've removed the mesh overlay while I'm working so it does not appear in this image.
Also, I posted the working sketch of the Grimmsmouth county area before. Here's that image again with the current progress overlaid as an indicator of where I'm at.
Attachment 86126
Thanks for having a look,
Last edited by Weery; 08-05-2016 at 06:27 PM. Reason: Image resized to display properly
I love your technique!
What a wonderfully complicated mind you have. It must take quite a bit of brain power integrating all those 'Chinese jigsaw' puzzle pieces. I wouldn't know where to start.
The work you are doing is both fascinating and quite beautiful.
I used to work in a city council - in their 'Planning and Estates Department', where all the maps that had ever been drawn of the entire county were stored at all different scales. It was map-lover's heaven, but for the fact that I was the assistant's assistant, and only the tea girl! I used to have to go into the loft to retrieve them by numbers, and then file them again in vast front loading cabinets that opened like the jaws of a sabre tooth tiger. My favourites were always the Victorian maps. Nice and disciplined
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