Hello guys.
Pleasure to meet you all...now allow me to explain my current situation with my RPG community.
After finally reaching at least 40 members (which unfortunately only 5, including me, play), me and my co owner have decided to make up a proper world map, with sub maps of kingdoms for the world. Unfortunately, none of know how to .
Now, at first I tried making a map by myself but it didn't work out as i lack any geographical knowledge and well...a lack of ideas for a map. So instead i decided to base my map on an already existing map of the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy:
Well, as you guys can see, it is more of a...how shouldi call it...the world from bird's view, and NOT an actual map. Now, what i need is a map that is styled like this:
Well now, obviously, this version of the map doesn't work neither because of various non existing locations and cities etc; BUT the style for the map is perfect for what i need.
Now, what can stay from that old style map and which would also be useful on all maps for all kingdoms are the name of the seas (i like them so why not XD) and the North and South Pointer. Another thing, but that is optional, the "Land and seas of the world" can be added too (but with a fixed spelling errors, so that it doesn't sound too...oldish) with a full inscription as followed: "Land and seas of the Shattered Lands".
Now, the important thing, the name of the world (Erathia) should be written like where "the land and seas of the world" is written here in the very same way: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/...20130917163104
And should have this inscription instead: "Shattered Lands of Erathia". Same thing should be written for other maps:
For Midland: Kingdom of Midland
For Sylvania: Ancient Forests of Sylvania
For Khann: (I will discuss this with my co owner for now)
For Hoshido: Kingdom of Hoshido
If there are any questions in terms of the world map please feel free to ask. Also, in case anyone asks, no the copyright of the original is not a problem; i am not using the community to earn money, it's for fun only.
Now, moving on to separate maps for each kingdom. At this stage, with my friend, we have only planned 4 Kingdoms which are all listed here in this...quick "highlight" of all kingdoms of Erathia:
Erathia World Map.jpg
Now, i can only update some images for some of the kingdoms that need a "wipe" of irrelevant stuff, but also have to be remade with only circled areas as those maps must only have the mentioned kingdom respectively. Now, i understand that some maps can't perfectly hide some parts of other lands since the map needs to be a squareish shaped map, so there can be some small parts of other lands shown, without ANY names mentioned for them though, since some lands haven't been introduced to the story so that would be a bad spoiler .
First, Midland (got quite lucky on this one):
Second, Sylvania. This one must have no "white land" it must be purely covered in forests; and mountains stay where they are:
Unfortunately, i lack any images for Khann, so i hope you guys will be able to do make it from what you can see in in the map world map or the highlighted form; and please do not change its land to green or forests, keep it exactly like it is shown on the world map.
Unfortunately again, the same issue comes for Hoshido. This time however, like with Sylvania it must be covered with more green, since it is a Japanese like culture.
Now, at first i only need black and white version like i said earlier, but once all maps have been done, i would like a more... detailed version with colour etc, like here pretty much:
For now, i only need no city versions until me and my co owner decide their locations after initial "construction".
Another thing i should mention, the main priorities for this are the World Map and the Map of Midland
So, please, whoever is able, PLEASE help me with these maps. Thank you whoever takes upon this hard job and good luck.
Contact Details (since i am new here):
(remove the -- and convert "at" to @)
P.S. If you have any questions feel free to reply to this post