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Thread: Vehlymahr

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  1. #1


    Seems I have fallen behind again.
    Sorry about that. It's that darn challenge map - taking all my time :O
    Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
    It looks fabulous! I love the less technical and more hand drawn sketched "caterpillar" mountain ridges on it. Also the notes in the fantasy script add a wonderful touch to it. As always very inspiring!
    Thanks Abu This is a fun style to work in, and it was fun to get back to some pencil sketching.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlin View Post
    Great job on this John. Definitidly trying to emulate this style in my future map if you don't mind, this caterpilar mountains inspire me a lot . The three style of annotations are a wonderfull idea .
    Thanks Warlin Go for it. I love using the hatch lines for mountains. It's just fin to draw.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salama View Post
    Love it! Especially the subtle linework, good job!
    Thanks Salama
    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Nice work! I love the casual hand-sketched style of the border. It's really attractive and works so well with the style of the map. I like the different labelling too, though I keep looking at the red-coloured script and picturing some sort of satanic monster writing those notes in someone else's blood (too much imagination here. ) Also, you have lovely hand-writing! Can't get enough of those caterpillar mountains. I need to give them a try one of these days.

    Will rep if I can.
    Thanks ChickPea haha, yeah, i sort thought people would think 'bloody map'.... hey, maybe it is some adventurers blood.
    The hand writing took many years to get to that state. Used to just be chicken scratch hehe
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnifex View Post
    Very nice and great inspiration! I just got a great idea and will make a style inspired by this.
    Can't rep
    Thanks Carnifex. Look forward to seeing that new style.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Great map, as usual. Your linework is so elegant!
    Thanks Ilanthar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    Really nice! I like the chalk highlights and the unreadable annotations a lot!! the only things that are missing (in my opinion) are some stains to give it more authenticity
    Thanks Tom Yep - I am doing another map in this style and I made sure to add some holes and stains in it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul76 View Post
    This is great I would like to blow this up to 24x36 and use it as a continent in my new D&D campaign. What is the proper etiquette for making such a request?
    Hey Paul - I can't really stop you from printing up a map for your campaign. I am sometimes wary of giving someone the right/permission to 'print' one of my maps, as that could be misconstrued as a right to 'print' my map for other purposes. But if you are just printing it for your campaign, go for it. Only caveat - pop back by here and let me know how the campaign went.
    I always enjoy hearing how games have gone when one of my maps is used.
    Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
    J.Edward, I love the understated elegance of this map! I especially like the contrast between the map, and the annotations within it, in that bold red. This turned out great!
    Thank you ladiestorm

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    San Diego, California


    Thanks so much! I absolutely will. I'm going to use the blank one so that I can populate it with my cities and towns. Also, just out of curiosity, if asking for permission on here is not a proper course of action, how does it usually work?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul76 View Post
    Thanks so much! I absolutely will. I'm going to use the blank one so that I can populate it with my cities and towns. Also, just out of curiosity, if asking for permission on here is not a proper course of action, how does it usually work?
    Asking for permission on here is fine, it's more an issue of a legal stand point really.
    You did the right thing asking. So no worries there.

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