Hi Niekell,

I agree there is a large degree of programming in this project. The cartography portion will come into play when we come to an area that has not been detailed enough to put into a module/Magazine/Adventure. At that point I will do my best to create it from description but with a project this large I feel I may dissatisfied with how my maps look in comparison to a true map making master! You bring up a good point though. For the coding I am using simple HTML5. I have some areas that will need assistance most certainly. Being I have just joined the Guild though I wanted to jump in to the user community and get a feel for everything before I start to ask where to post projects and ask for assistance. One of the biggest task with be data gathering. There are alot of dragon magazines , modules, and adventure paths that I want to include in this project. The goal here would be a basic world for people to play with. I know this is the aim of Pathfinder with pathfinder society but I want one that anyone can use and with out a ton of experience run a game and have it aw inspiring. Please let me know if this sounds like something you would be willing to put some time into once it gets started. If you want I can send you what i have now .... LOL for someone that has never touched HTML5 a day in his life I am happy with the 4 hours I have put into it so far.... (Mostly map gathering lol) .

Thank you