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Thread: How do I make Depth of abysses, cracks and Texture of the cliffs for my régional map?

  1. #1

    Help How do I make Depth of abysses, cracks and Texture of the cliffs for my régional map?

    Hi everyone in there ....
    I'm triying to follow step by step the << Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional RPG Map >>, but some details are missing :
    - I need to add, as part (and only part) of my coastline, CLIFFS.
    - I need to add, inside the land, some large cracks that lead to under-earth, so I need to figure them with hudge depth and scarpy border

    thanking you in advance
    Last edited by Souricette; 07-30-2016 at 07:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    first off this is from 2007

    Gimp 2.8.18 is the current

    back 9 years ago in 2007 Gimp 2.4 was the current
    a few years back with gimp 2.6 a FULL rewright was started
    the gimp from 2007 ( 2.4 ) is rather different than the current gimp 2.8.18

    so things will be in different locations and work a bit differently
    in part 1
    the zip "" will still work - these are just color lists
    in part #2
    Set up the GIMP windows.
    When you start GIMP, you will notice that unlike most Windows application, the dialogs and images all float in their own windows. This can be a pain until you get used to it. The first thing to do is make sure the dialogs you need will be available.
    this may or may not be true . There is a "one window" setting - THIS has changed in the last 9 years since 2007

    For convenience, you will want them set up this way. You can add new dialogs (called Docks) by going from the main GIMP window, File->Dialogs->Create New Dock->Layers, Channels & Paths and File->Dialogs->Create New Dock->Brushes, Patterns & Gradients.
    this has changed
    windows / docable dialogs

    in part #3
    using a 500x500 in 2007 was a good small size for 1 or 2 gig of ram
    in 2016 less than 8 to 16 gig of ram is hard to find .
    so a bigger 1024x1024 will be fine for a small map

    so exactly where are you stuck
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  3. #3


    I'm trying to re-draw this one : carte-RO-DD4.jpg
    using it as base to draw the different zones.
    I want to re-draw it for good reasons :
    • I found it ... unpretty !
    • Roads are too large !!! mostly regarding to the scale
    • I want to add my owm places on it
    • I need to post it on my forum where we play rpg, we will use this map as battle map. But the definition is too poor to support the zooming we need
    • This use on a public forum also makes me need to erase all the labels, and fill those holes in the result.
    • all that regardless the copyright problems, I want it mine, not wizards'

    In this map, [LIST][*]the rifts are ugly ! I'd like to find the way to draw something nice.
    I'm stuck with the mountains ... I guess that it could be quite the same to draw the rifts[*]The cliffs are great, but i don't want to copy those from the original map, i want to make my owns.
    RobA explain how to obtain a simple continuous coastline (of beaches, not cliffs)
    and i need to make the cliffs on a part only of the coasline (NE, Sword coast ; and Far East, the THAY land)

    I'm using this re-drawing self challenge to learn how to make things with gimp and improve my own artistic skills.

    thanking you in advance.
    Last edited by Souricette; 07-30-2016 at 06:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    A while ago, Wired made a great tutorial where you'll find everything you need, the rest is all practice :

  5. #5
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    want to re-draw it for good reasons :

    • I found it ... unpretty !
    • Roads are too large !!! mostly regarding to the scale
    • I want to add my owm places on it
    • I need to post it on my forum where we play rpg, we will use this map as battle map. But the definition is too poor to support the zooming we need
    • This use on a public forum also makes me need to erase all the labels, and fill those holes in the result.
    • all that regardless the copyright problems, I want it mine, not wizards'
    so you DID NOT make this
    and you do not have all the layers used to make it

    this will be near impossible to enhance this
    you first will need to remove the things that need fixing
    ( this is called "in-painting)

    i use a tool in gimp called "resynthesizer "
    but building in on MS windows will require MinGW and gcc and autotools
    -- a lot of work but building gimp AND this plugin is well documented

    expect it to take about 4 to 6 months to learn to build the source code

    WHY start with that image ?
    just make your own
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  6. #6
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    here's a higher res version of the map -

    given all the changes you want to make and the fact you find it 'unpretty' just trace over it and make your own version

  7. #7
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The ugly rifts aren't present in Forgotten Realms maps from earlier D&D editions (i.e the Good Ones). There aren't good ways to show such things on traditional maps because they are unstable on a planet with a fluid mantle (that is, with no endless Underdark).

    Your best bet for what you want is to simply redraw the map. If you don't want to completely redraw, the map, consider cloning the parts that you want to keep to a new map and then use a content-aware fill to take care of the gaps.

  8. #8


    re-draw the map, is exactly what i intend to do :
    select the different areas by type : forest, desert, water, green lands, mountains ... and so on ...
    and use the gimp tutorials i found here, to make my own version of the forgotten realms, DD4.
    We play there, anywhere else.
    I found it unpretty essentially for the poor contrast of colours ...
    when i make a "selection by color", even with a very little range, i get either a lot of spot everywhere, either more than half of the map selected !!!
    This oblige me to use the lasso for every area.

    I've 3 big cities to draw for the settlement of my campaign, and they're not described in official manuals. so i'm totally free for them.
    but players will travel a lot through the general map. i need a clean and lisible version of it, with high levels of zoom.
    And i counted the pixels, according to the scale, road and riviers are some kilometers large !!!! This is impossible ! I've to redraw each of them !

    So re-draw all the map is my best option.
    I don't want to make "the same", i use the official map as "starting sketch".

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