This was the playful project that sent me down this cartography rabbit hole. I've had a dip pen and some brown walnut ink around for a few months now, and have been playing and experimenting with various handwriting scripts and some calligraphy. Recently my wife and I purchased a big pack of Windsor and Newton inks, and the black India ink has been an absolute delight to draw with.

On a whim, I sketched out a little island. It came out kind of cute, though you can totally tell that it's someones first attempt at mapping. I had a request for color, so I broke out the water colors and had a go at it.

I mostly like the implementation of color, with one huge exception; that river is god awful. It didn't blend at all, and looks like a horrible sloppy afterthought, which is perfect because that's exactly what it is.

I'm not sure if this little map is done, or how to attempt a fix on that river. It did however spur me to work on a few other maps, one of which I finished and am quite proud of. So...thanks Little Isle.
