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Thread: Mountain scala advise

  1. #1

    Default Mountain scala advise

    Hi everyone,

    I'm here to ask you opinion in terms of the scale of my mountains in a map I have been doing.

    I'm making an more detailed version of a map which was originally 6 miles/hex and I'm doing a more detailed version with 3 miles/hex.

    My problem is that a big part of the map is mountains. I know I can change that but many of them are mountain have also jungle. Maybe the central spines and some small ranges will be more mountain than jumble but in any case, my problem is on the scale, and if you think it's OK to mix different mountains from different sets.

    My first approach was to try to define the spine of the mountain chain and then fill the sides with more mountains.

    You can check on this link bellow the brushes I'm using as well as an image of the map with and without the original map.

    What do you think? ate they too big ? too small? should I do them in a different way? how could I do some "jungle mountains" ?

    Also, another thing I'm having trouble is how to make the central plateau. In the centre of the plateau there's a big extinct volcano which inside has more stuff (including a lake with a lost temple. Any suggestions on how to make the plateau and the volcano ? (I don't need the inside of the volcano because that will be a separate map).

    (note: in the top of this volcano there's actually snow and there are other volcanoes on the island.

    Here's an illustration of how the central plateau may looks like:
    here's the link for the map images and brushes:

    PS: this is still in progress and there will be lots of places where there are mountains missing. Also, I added 2 images I found which contain mountains and other cartography elements that can be converted into brushes, in case you are interested.

    Many thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    I think as long as you stick to the same line work it will look right. The problem I see with the mountains there is that there are two different shadow intensities on the mountains. I couldn't get a good look since didn't want to download it. They also do seem a bit dense for my tastes, but that may be a good thing depending on how you take the map forwards. I think you are on the right track.

    That is a brush set created by Schwarzkreuz, so you might have luck finding more suitable matches by checking out more of the sets he put up on his thread here.

  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I think the scale is ok, but I also think there is a problem with the brush opacity being inconsistent between the different sets. Also, some mountains are superimposed over others. And some rivers pass through mountains/hills, near the small lake for example.

    Jungle mountains are regular mountains but with trees on them? Most fantasy maps chose to only show one geographic element at a time, probably because it's hard to draw a good looking bunch of trees on a mountain given the scale. I cannot find many mountains covered with trees at this scale but it can be done if the mountain is large enough.

    For the plateau, there are a bunch of artists here that you can look at for inspiration. But personally I would recommend you to look at the work of Erwin Raisz (btw not a member of the Guild!), here for example:
    He does depict plenty of different geographic formations.

  4. #4


    The map uses brushes from different sets that why the opacity is different. Maybe I should choose a single set of mountains and use it, instead of using multiple sets?!

    For the jungle mountains I think I will try to do it by painting the mountains in green where there's vegetations and brown/grey where they are more naked (maybe on the highest spikes/pikes?)

    You guys think I would try to space the mountains a little bit more and don't make them so crowded?

  5. #5
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Miami, South Florida

    Default Hmmmmm...

    Quote Originally Posted by palanolho View Post
    The map uses brushes from different sets that why the opacity is different. Maybe I should choose a single set of mountains and use it, instead of using multiple sets?!

    For the jungle mountains I think I will try to do it by painting the mountains in green where there's vegetations and brown/grey where they are more naked (maybe on the highest spikes/pikes?)

    You guys think I would try to space the mountains a little bit more and don't make them so crowded?

    Pretty much NO)))

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