Indeed, your efforts are much appreciated. This world has been taking shape for a long time now and this map does it justice. There's a ton of different fantasy worlds to compete with, and so I have strived from the beginning to make Phenomedom different from anything else out there. It hasn't been easy.
When Del and I set to work, I threw him the kitchen sink. NPC dialogue, area descriptions, monster descriptions, prose, stream of consciousness imagery, you name it. All along I had a latent fear that everything I'd done was all gibberish. But I was impressed. He was able to sift through all that information and actually *get it*. More than that, he was able to reinterpret many of the details and add a few of his own, thereby building his *own* window into this world. The results are what you see at the top of this thread.
So I'd like to formally thank Del and the folks here at the guild. I've posted rarely as I am not much of a cartographer, but as new ideas and questions come bubbling forth I'll surely be around to distribute them. And watch what you say, because I lurk almost daily
For what its worth there are two other windows in this world to consider. The first is Legerdemain itself: a computer RPG with roots in the roguelike tradition. It features nearly two hundred NPCs, hundreds of original monsters, and a unique spellcasting system known as manipulation. It represents thousands of hours of development and is entirely free to play, available for download over at
The second is a guide book for Legerdemain called Canticle of the Onslaught, which is a three hundred page narrative describing one character's descent into Phenomedom's mysteries.
Needless to say I hope this is the first in a string of progressively more ambitious (and progressively better paying!) projects. If you believe in this sort of work and would like to see it bloom, head over to my site and join all the others who have registered. By August's end all three windows into Phenomedom will be complete, and peering through them you can interpret as your imagination demands.