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Thread: September 2016 Challenge: Varenthia

  1. #1
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    Default September 2016 Challenge: Varenthia

    I've decided to join my first challenge. I may not have time to finish, but I'm gonna try because I want to make this map regardless of weather I reach the deadline or not. I'm going to use the Cortinarius Archeri palette, I've already happened upon some neat colour combinations by experimenting with different blend modes, and fussing around with the opacity slider, and I'm excited with the results so far.

    Just a quick question, it doesn't matter either way, I think I can work it out, but can I use real world textures in this challenge so long as I colour them with the colours from the palette?

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Don't see why not, kacey. There are no real restrictions on what you can and cannot do (assuming you aren't violating someone else's copyright). It's all about trying to follow the criteria of the challenge as closely as you can. So, if you can colour your textures to match the palette you've chosen, there's no reason why you can't use them.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Don't see why not, kacey. There are no real restrictions on what you can and cannot do (assuming you aren't violating someone else's copyright). It's all about trying to follow the criteria of the challenge as closely as you can. So, if you can colour your textures to match the palette you've chosen, there's no reason why you can't use them.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
    Thank’s for clearing that up ChickPea. I’m going to attempt to do some Diamond...esk style shaded relief for my terrain using real world data from , all their downloads are in the public domain, and are free for personal, educational, and commercial use. You don’t even need to cite the data, but they have some cool stuff, and I encourage you to check it out.

    I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the result I’m looking for with the limited palette, but I’ve wanted to try this style for a while. If it doesn’t work out I’ll just revert back to what I know, and do some hand drawn mountains similar to what I’ve done in the previous two maps I’ve worked on.

    I’m a little confused about uploading my images using the WIP hash tag. Do I need to put this in the title before uploading, or do I press the button before I upload? I'm really not sure what to do.

  4. #4
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    Thank’s for clearing that up ChickPea. I’m going to attempt to do some Diamond...esk style shaded relief for my terrain using real world data from , all their downloads are in the public domain, and are free for personal, educational, and commercial use. You don’t even need to cite the data, but they have some cool stuff, and I encourage you to check it out.

    I don’t know if I’ll be able to get the result I’m looking for with the limited palette, but I’ve wanted to try this style for a while. If it doesn’t work out I’ll just revert back to what I know, and do some hand drawn mountains similar to what I’ve done in the previous two maps I’ve worked on.

    I’m a little confused about uploading my images using the WIP hash tag. Do I need to put this in the title before uploading, or do I press the button before I upload? I'm really not sure what to do.
    The whole point of the challenges is to try things you haven't done before, so if you're pushing yourself and trying new things, then you're doing it right. You probably aren't a true member of the Guild until you've completely messed up a challenge haha! (OK, I made that up!!) Sometimes trying new things works out great, other times.... not so much.

    About the WIP button, type any comment you want to make then, in a new line hit the WIP button, then put your image underneath that. The button's really just a shortcut to save typing. Hope that's clear, if not, just ask.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  5. #5
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Go go kacey! Looking forward to seeing this.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    The whole point of the challenges is to try things you haven't done before, so if you're pushing yourself and trying new things, then you're doing it right. You probably aren't a true member of the Guild until you've completely messed up a challenge haha! (OK, I made that up!!) Sometimes trying new things works out great, other times.... not so much.

    About the WIP button, type any comment you want to make then, in a new line hit the WIP button, then put your image underneath that. The button's really just a shortcut to save typing. Hope that's clear, if not, just ask.
    Thank's again ChickPea, I'll try not to mess it up.

  7. #7
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    The first thing I did was try to get a neutral background, so I used the orangy rusty colour which I’ve labelled #5, and filled a layer with it. Then I played around with blend modes, and different opacities to see what I could get. I finally settled on setting the blend mode to hard light, and turning down the opacity to 30%, Then I filled another layer with the same rusty colour, set the blend mode to soft light, and turned the opacity to 21%, this got me a beige coloured base which I thought I could work with... I hope this is an acceptable use of colour from the palette. After that I merged the two layers, and set the opacity to 90% over the white back round. I then had a lighter version of the orangy rusty colour, and because I didn’t mix any other colours into it, it hasn’t gotten muddy or changed the original colour, just lightened it, I hope that’s OK.

    After I created the base colour, I added a paper texture, then changed the blend mode to luminosity to make it grey scale so that I didn’t introduce any new colours, and turned down the opacity, this made the paper texture a really dumb’d down version of the rusty colour #5. After using all these blend modes I thought it was starting to stray a bit from the original rust colour, so in the spirit of the challenge I added another overlay layer, filled it with the pink colour which I labeld #4, and turned the opacity down to 10%...This is how I got the current version of this background without introducing any new colours that weren’t in the palette already.

    I was worried about not having the use of black, but the darkest colour in my palette which I labeld #8 is so dark that I don’t have to change blend modes, or add black, it’s plenty dark just as it is to replace anything I would have wanted to use black for. I did the outline of the checker border with this colour, and filled the dark parts with it as well, only I turned down the opacity to 73%, and added a slight shadow to the whole thing using the same colour...I think I’ve said too much, reading this back it’s starting to look like a tutorial...Sorry for that I’ll stop now, just wanted to make sure I was still keeping within the rules, if I’m not please let me know.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    zseptember chalenge backround texture.jpg

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    Go go kacey! Looking forward to seeing this.

    Thank’s for taking an interest Diamond. I’m hoping to achieve something between you’re signature relief style, and takashi_tk’s The Paths of Saoghal: The Anga nation, with different colours of course, I hope I can work it out.

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    Very much looking forward to what you'll come up with, kacey! And if you can unveil your inner Diamond (pun intended), i am sure this map will be awesome
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
    Very much looking forward to what you'll come up with, kacey! And if you can unveil your inner Diamond (pun intended), i am sure this map will be awesome
    Thank's Eilathen!

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