Thanks a lot everyone!

The only thing I really hope is that the lizard in the top left can swim, otherwise you're a very cruel cartographer...
I'm a very cruel cartographer indeed ! I suppose salamanders can swim, though.

By Max
Nicely done, though I agree with GLS about the composition, which looks a bit unbalanced.
Yep, I agree... The problem when you're just cut off a selection of the coasts from another map... I should have paid attention more, though.

By Darcycardinal
Good map so far - are you going to be moving to a different photo suite or stick with what you have, which tablet did you get? thanks.
Not sure to follow you. It was a test, but I may do regional maps for this world. I'm using an Intuos Art (medium size).

By Sapiento
Looks good!
By Ajrittler
Very nice map! I like the sketching!
Thanks .

By ChickPea
Forests and mountains look fantastic, and if this is your first attempt at mapping with a tablet, I cannot wait to see where you go from here!
Yup, it's my first attempt, with a lot of glimpsing on other talented artists works ,though . I hope to not disappoint you with the following tests, then .

By Chashio
Beautiful little map, Ilanthar. Really lovely.
Thanks, and glad to see you back! I've still a lot to learn from your eagle-view land maps .

By Tom
Very nice! I love the compass, really original!
Glad you like it. It's kind of a mix between different tattoos seen here and there, with personnal additions to turn it into a compass.