Hmm thats a pretty nice idea, I'll give it a try.
Yep it's called Nebelheim, though there is no connection to Nibelheim in any way. The map is labeld in German and Nebelheim means something like Misttown if you would try to translate it.1
Hmm I tried to bring in some variations by drawing them, I agree I should shade them.
Oh... I thought this would be ok. Is it impossible for a lake to have two outgoing rivers? If yes I'll change it, sure.
About the size hmm, it's just an island but sure I dont have any experience with it. Maybe its to small.
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It's looking like a good start. I was going to suggest a tutorial/tool RobA put up about how to use a gradiated area to fill in random trees. I tried the tool out (for my own enjoyment) and found it produces nice results. But these look good as well, though in a somewhat different style than the tool I was going to suggest
It wouldn't be so bad, I think, considering that FFVII borrowed it's location names liberally from Norse mythology (Nibelheim comes from Niflheim, Midgaar comes from Midgard, etc.). I tend to think if you're going to do fantasy, you may as well go back to the source (i.e. Mythology).
But the OP answered to this somewhat already.
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Pimping my worldmap here. Still WIP... long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far...
Ok, here is a small update, didnt have much time last week.
I added all forests, though I am not really satisfied with the result. I really did put some effort in the trees, tbh I spent most time of the map creation so far with the trees but in the end I couldnt come up with a nifty solution.
Anyways I dont wanna spend more time with them, so maybe I will find a better solution in my next map
I also added a map border and corrected the river violation.
Gonna have to add a highmoor at the NE part of the map and have to finish the labels on it. I also thought about adding town icons, but I am not sure about it. Any thoughs if town symbols would be more fitting?
Last thing to do will be adding a legend and the scale.
Thanks for all comments on my map so far![]()
You might try putting a glow around your labeling, this will make it much easier to read, especially labels that pass over other aspects of the map.
I'm a plain dot kinda guy when it comes to placing towns and cities. But I think if you wanted to place conceptual towns as symbols it would work equally well with your map.
Great job so far, keep it up![]()
Ok, found some time to work on my campaign setting. Here is a small update
I added more labels and added a moor to the NE.
I know that the labels are kinda hard to read, but I noticed that the map is too small for all lables... I plan to finish the labeling then rescale it and redo the labels perhaps.
Anyways I did rescale the map with its labels, so it's easier to read for now![]()
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
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black city labeling is fine now, but you river labeling is hard to read... I think because its the same color as the rivers themselves... you may want to darken the blue to something more like the edges of your ocean out there... setting a darker color to glow behind the text would also help, or a shadow set at x=0, y=0 directly behind it.
It is looking good though...Are you doing this with a mouse or do you have a tablet?
I've got a tablet Delgo, though I admit I am not the most talented artist out there
I agree I wasnt too happy with the river labels myself, I am gonna play around with it again![]()
My Map Challenge Entries
I use GIMP for all my maps.
GIMP scripts and plug-ins overview
Everything I post on this site uses the Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. Only exception to this are any pyhton scripts which use the GPL.
If you are using any of my posted stuff just use your rep stick on me
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