Welcome to the challenge Ilgoth, it will be interesting to see what you do with this idea.
Hey all!
I decided to partake in my first challenge here. I wanted a reason to try something new, and Diamond happened to post a new challenge at the same time I logged in to browse some inspirations. Hopefully I take it through. My way of choosing the palette was pretty simple; I kept staring the colors and tried to see a story for a potential map. One palette worked extremely well, and I instantly got motivated with "Harefoot" palette. Here is the breakdown of the story:
Cold colors instantly took me to a northern region where blizzard would be taking the last breath of life out of the land. I started to feel it could be a northern coastline, where we have rocky cliffs and some forests. Instead of seeing a clear region, I got stuck with an idea of a wooden shack that would be badly damaged and started to decay. So I am telling the story of this shack. It's a vacation shack, that was used by one parent and two kids. But I want the world of this shack feel sad and despair-ridden. Inside the shack I saw broken down decorations, and a dead body of a rather modern soldier. Windows are broken, so we have some snow inside. I want a basement that works as a storage so a trapdoor somewhere - an explosion has happened in the middle of the basement, two more dead soldiers. The shack has a small gallery, where kids would sleep.
I want that the death of these soldiers were hopeless, so for now I assume these soldiers came from outer space and landed on a new planet.
TL;DR - interior map of a broken down shack amidst a blizzard. Maybe it would work as an encounter map for some tabletop rpg.
Lets see where I go from here.
- Ilgoth
Welcome to the challenge Ilgoth, it will be interesting to see what you do with this idea.
There's some some colors in the palette that, relative to the others, appear warmer, so this offers a bit of variety to work with as well.
Looking forward to seeing this develop.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Very atmospheric description you have there. I hope you're still working on this, because I'd really like to see what you come up with.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
### Latest WIP ###
The start. Not much done, the shape of the shack has been figured out and then I placed down the stairs and the trapdoor access spot. I also hate to look at white background, so put in one of the colors as background for now.
I also started to work on the floor, I am going all blind with this. I have no idea for the style of some elements, but that's why I am taking part in this challenge.
### Latest WIP ###
Building up nicely, started to find the texture for the base of the floor. Also gave the walls simple highlight for the sake of readability. Will do the stairs on their own layer (easier to control lighting that way).
### Latest WIP ###
Starting to build up. Really going blindly with all things I do, and trying to create interesting textures.
- added first efforts at snow bursting in from the door and one window
- furnitures started
- decided to abandon basement idea, instead shut it with four chains (painting the idea someone is prisoned there)
# have to rework window lines
# finish the fallen bookshelf
# start the stairs
# snow, snow and snow
# I wanna paint the wind flowing somehow
# the dead body in the middle
# space next to the door needs something
I really like the way you took the time to think about the story before starting the map. All the little details like the book on the floor are extremely important little touches - they make the different between a mediocre map, and a great one... great like this is promising to turn out