Thanks you so much for the help, ChickPea! I was able to get the font working and delete the grey bit, and I used the Ink tool to write over the border and problematic rivers. They look much better now. I also used the Airbrush tool to eliminate the pesky little blue spots that can be seen in the original pic.

Then I decided to shade my mountains, and used the Dodge/Burn tool. Oh my, I love that tool now. Using the brush setting 'Sand Dunes (AP)' It's great for adding texture and shading. I'm very, very happy with how my mountains have turned out.

### Latest WIP ###


On to my usual list!

The good:
-Eliminated all entries in the previous 'The bad' category.
-Got rid of those blue specks. They were REALLY bothering me.
-Saved the best for last. I love how the mountains turned out so, so much.

The bad:
-Nothing. While I still have a lot to do, nothing stands out as an issue that needs to be fixing.

The to-do:
-Forests. I'll probably hand draw these. It'll take a long time using the mouse though.
-Icons. I'm planning to enlarge a brush and just click for nice diamond, circle, and square shapes.
-Labeling. I got the font I want to use onto GIMP, so this step shouldn't take too much time.
-Compass rose. All I need now is a nice looking arrow.
-Legend. Should be fairly straightforward.
-Border. The future is looking much brighter now. I'll probably add some nice decorations in the corner and call it a day, but we'll see.

Again, any tips, tricks, help, or suggestions are most welcome.