An update. Only included is the part that I have worked on since the last time.


  • I haven't worked much on my dunes yet but I started working on another desert on the west coast. It's more of a rocky desert with some dunes maybe. I still need to apply a blur effect so it doesn't look so pixelated. It then turn into a savanna moving north and south. I'm still working on the colours, these are just temporary.
  • I might add coniferous but only if I still got the motivation to modify the existing forests.
  • The forests in the east are subject to change, I might move them more to the northeast, they were just placed a bit randomly.
  • The plateau border might be too large? I also wonder if it would not be better to do something like Abu Lafia

Regarding agriculture, I tried several patterns and I'm not too sure which one looks better. Unless someone has a better idea, so far, this is was I got:

One thing that I'm sure is that I will have to use more colors. Perhaps a light colour in the background too.

As for the terraces, I think I will follow your advice and spread them more. It did looked nice with my first test. More on that later.