The beasts are terrifying, the disks (love it) are brought to life with skill and the textures are a win. I can only agree with Abu, as a player I'd love to walk these earths winds and fires (no joke, promise). You did something marvelous here !
This is really Great Ilanthar. I'll have to come black to read carefully this world building stuff, but i find your beast pretty well drawn. Yours illustrations skills are wonderfull and you manage to use your tablet very quickly.
The beasts are terrifying, the disks (love it) are brought to life with skill and the textures are a win. I can only agree with Abu, as a player I'd love to walk these earths winds and fires (no joke, promise). You did something marvelous here !
Thanks a lot again guys!
@Thomrey : I didn't used textures except the paper background, everything is drawn with different brushes.
Not much more. I moved the text of Pandemonium, it was too close from the corner.
Egishirgal WIP.jpeg
And the Pegasus is done, plus some indications. Each mythic animal is associated with an element (stable, mutable, cardinal), a pantheon and a nation of Agartha.
Mythic Beasts.jpg
Maybe I'll do a few more small changes, but I'll probably finish this tomorrow night.
Et les frenchies, si jamais vous voyez des fautes de français ou de frappe, n'hésitez pas!
Ouais ... lost in translation comme disait l'autre. Pour les textures, je voulais dire que, en dessinant, tu avais réussi à obtenir des effets de surface assez bluffants, je sais bien que tu es un demi-dieu
Pour les fautes de frappe, vu que je suis en pleine corrections, je vois pas pourquoi je ferais une pause
Egishirgal WIP.jpeg
Et voilà le travail !
Comment ça "demi"? Sans blaguer, les options de dessins sont tout simplement cool dans Krita... le logiciel a une bonne part des mérites.
Et merci pour la correction!
And here's the finished map.