The map of course is another gem ! I love the mountain range that turns into a rift, I love the lonely peak near Nyshe, the wondrous variety of your mountains. The forest following the coasts tell a lot about this world. There are so much different features to look at, the maps makes me dizzy. The old paper is really a win and the little dark spots really tell "I've spent some time in a moist drawer". The sea monsters are really classic but you somehow managed to give them your unique touch. The font, if I can call those gorgeous letters a font, is masterfully executed and I love the key, the key border and the calamari. I love the backstory but I'd say that for me, the real marvel of this map is the compass whose aesthetics are both looking like it's coming out of a fairy tale and have a chilling vibe to it. Bravo ! And Patreon on !!