View Poll Results: To Patreon or not to Patreon, that is the question

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Thread: Skenara [Land Beyond the Sea]

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    It's gorgeous J.Edward! Like always I'm envious of you're talent. I love the colours, the border is awesome, I really like this style. The text, and compass are really cool, and the story that goes along with it really helped to paint a picture of this place in my mind.

    I don't know much about Patreon, but if I were into role playing games I would definitely pay money to use this setting.
    Thank you Kacey
    I am still not sure what my intention for Patreon would be.
    Initially my thought had been to provide game maps and stuff, as those are some of the largest comsumers of maps [rpg gamers].
    My truest desire would be to simply produce maps and stories with some additional illustrations that go along with those things.
    But I am unsure if there would be a market for such things. I guess time will tell.
    Quote Originally Posted by zhar2 View Post
    Thanks Zhar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wired View Post
    Wonderful map, and the description just makes it better.
    Thanks Wired
    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    The map of course is another gem ! I love the mountain range that turns into a rift, I love the lonely peak near Nyshe, the wondrous variety of your mountains. The forest following the coasts tell a lot about this world. There are so much different features to look at, the maps makes me dizzy. The old paper is really a win and the little dark spots really tell "I've spent some time in a moist drawer". The sea monsters are really classic but you somehow managed to give them your unique touch. The font, if I can call those gorgeous letters a font, is masterfully executed and I love the key, the key border and the calamari. I love the backstory but I'd say that for me, the real marvel of this map is the compass whose aesthetics are both looking like it's coming out of a fairy tale and have a chilling vibe to it. Bravo ! And Patreon on !!
    Thanks so much Thomas
    I was fond of the spire at Nyshe. I have had trouble in the past with trying to convey a bit of a darker tone.
    Maybe this one succeeds a bit because it was already present in the story. Maybe it leaked into the map.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh my! :sigh: I'm going to end up running out of walls to put your maps on, J.Edward

    Having attacked cartography from the DIY writer-turned-cartographer side of things, and never having played an RPG in my life, I'm sadly not really in a position to either comment or vote on the other issue, but I would definitely buy a print of as many of your maps as I could afford, to frame and put on my wall
    Thank you Mouse
    I explained a bit in Kacey's response about what I'd like to do.
    I will have to investigate what the cost of getting maps printed and shipped would be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
    Absolutely wonderful map, J! Every bit of it.

    Patreon... Yes. Do it.
    Thank you Chashio
    We will see about this Patreon thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
    Absolutely stunning piece J! This is going straight into my inspirations map collection. I love the colours, the style, the creatures, pretty much everything about it!
    Only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the title font, which is a little much in my opinion, but I'm probably in the minority on this.
    Great work once again!

    As for Patreon, I'm not too sure about the ins and outs of it, so won't vote, but if Chashio recommends it, it's gotta be good!
    Thanks GLS
    What was your thinking on the lettering? Too large? Too 'tree-ish'? Just curious.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
    What was your thinking on the lettering? Too large? Too 'tree-ish'? Just curious.
    I do like the font and think you've done a great job on it, it's just I don't think it quite works here as is.I think the treeish element is definitely a part of it, but maybe because of the colouring. I don't think it stands out as much as it needs to. The green of the text below and its brown definitely suit the palette, but I think perhaps they just need a boost somehow, whether from a bolder text outline or a bit more vibrancy or contrast (whilst keeping in theme).

    To be honest, though, I'm not really sure. Everyone else seems to like it a lot, so perhaps it's just me.

    (I do think the "The Sea" is too large though, or maybe just the slight off-centred look doesn't quite work for me.)

    Please don't read into this too much though, as I think it's an absolutely stunning piece of work J and one that I will be coming back to time and time again for inspiration and to lift me out of creative slumps.

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