Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
What was your thinking on the lettering? Too large? Too 'tree-ish'? Just curious.
I do like the font and think you've done a great job on it, it's just I don't think it quite works here as is.I think the treeish element is definitely a part of it, but maybe because of the colouring. I don't think it stands out as much as it needs to. The green of the text below and its brown definitely suit the palette, but I think perhaps they just need a boost somehow, whether from a bolder text outline or a bit more vibrancy or contrast (whilst keeping in theme).

To be honest, though, I'm not really sure. Everyone else seems to like it a lot, so perhaps it's just me.

(I do think the "The Sea" is too large though, or maybe just the slight off-centred look doesn't quite work for me.)

Please don't read into this too much though, as I think it's an absolutely stunning piece of work J and one that I will be coming back to time and time again for inspiration and to lift me out of creative slumps.