Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
I like that. It's simple and uncluttered yet when you look closer it has quite a lot of detail, sometimes because of what's not there if you know what I mean.

I did think the top-down view of the thatched spire was actually a guy with a HUUUUGE sombrero sitting on the roof My eyes are aging rapidly
Ha ha, the sombrero comment gave me a good chuckle. Now I can't look at this map without seeing it myself

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
I really like the layout and I love the subtle shadow cast by the hill !
A little comment though. It looks like you did the linework with a low opacity brush and where the strokes overlap, there's a darker spot. Maybe you can avoid this by duplicating the line work layer(s), merging them then lowering the opacity of the resulting layer. It's not a critic, just a remark, it make the map look like it was drawn with colic like marker, great hand drawn feel to it.
Thank you thomrey, and thanks for pointing the brush issue out. I used Krita to do this piece and I have noticed that the hard round brush has slightly different characteristics in this program than the one in PS Elements (at least with the parameters set to default). I will have to look into this more.

Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
The town is very nicely laid out around the hill, and i love the linework. Also, that's a pretty fine idea for the lazy DM... the dungeon right beneath the inn!
Thanks Abu. Yup, I'm all to happy to simply things.

Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
Beautiful simple style!
Thanks Josiah!

Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
Great work on this Arsheesh! Simple but effective! I wish I could make something as beautifully done as that in just an evening!
Thanks GLS, and FYI, it was a "long" evening

Quote Originally Posted by Daelin View Post
Nice little map. Clean and crisp, perfect for a DnD setting. Now with color, please!
Thanks Daelin. I have done color maps in this style but decided to stick with B&W for this piece. For one thing, this is intended to be printed out as a handout. For another all of the maps for this campaign have been B&W so far, so I decided to keep that aesthetic.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.
