They're showing up now.

Floorplans look pretty good to me! My only concern is the placement of the kitchen in the restaurant level...Kitchens for restaurants are usually outfitted with quite a bit more wiring and plumbing, which would require that back kitchen wall to be a bit more "centralized" I think. That of course depends on whats above and below the restaurant level and how much space is between floors...something to think about at least...I'm not saying the placement is impossible or just kinda jumped out at me.

The office level looks good...I assume the office levels are going to be basically clones of this particular level, at least in wall structure. If thats the case, you may need some support columns in the middle where the cubicles are, because all those floors from multiple office levels will get heavy in the middle. I may be wrong here too though...I've never seen a high-rise skeleton before.