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Thread: My first attempt in GIMP

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  1. #1
    Guild Expert
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    Jan 2016


    It's the ever changing map! Are you sure you didn't move you're desk a little too close to that cabinet More importantly I'd like to know how those shopping carts got there, it seems there's quite a few in the water here as well.

    Good job on the parchment, I'll be interested to see what world is here next time I check this thread.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Straf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Beautiful rural Norfolk, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    It's the ever changing map! Are you sure you didn't move you're desk a little too close to that cabinet More importantly I'd like to know how those shopping carts got there, it seems there's quite a few in the water here as well.

    Good job on the parchment, I'll be interested to see what world is here next time I check this thread.
    Errr, yeah it's plate tectonics and that. It takes me that long to draw one map geology occurs and I have to start again. The shopping trolleys are always there. They weren't invented, they were discovered in a lake by an entrepreneur who thought it would be fun to go and watch zombified people pushing these things around large halls filled with shelves of food. It's one of those laws of the universe, you know the one that states that toast always lands butter side down and a cat always lands on its feet and therefore a buttered cat will never land.

    I didn't feel comfortable in the last land, it didn't feel right. There are a few significant places that are part of the story and backstory. It might sound crazy and a little cabinet proximity induced but I like to try to put my imagination into the land and walk it through. The capital, for example, needs to be on a high point that is in a loop of a river. It just makes sense that when the current ruling elite first arrived they chose an easily defensible position within reach of a cabinet food sources and fresh water. Although I had the defensible position I struggled to convince myself that there were sufficient resources nearby to sustain a larger settlement. Or maybe I'm just OCD.

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