Quote Originally Posted by Onomanatee View Post
Oh dear. I was planning to join the Lite challenge, but I'm going to have to up my game.

Nice work man! And so fast! I like the colors, and I don't really mind the grid. Maybe you can just roll with it somehow, make it seem like it's intended?
Thanks Onomanatee. I really hope to see you joining the fun soon! When i'm drawing with pen and paper i'm just faster (but it's also way more risky, due to no ctrl+z ), because earlier or later there is just nothing more to do. I think i drew like 1-2 hours on it. When working with gimp, i tend to redo everything a hundred times, or redo one thing and then need to redo everything else accordingly... So, i really enjoy it lately to draw traditionally and keep the tweaking and redoing for the digital coloring/labelling part in Gimp. It's a way to make sure there is this "unchangeable base" i can work with/on. It just helps me a bit with my somewhat messy and fickle(?) workflow.
About the grid i already thought about something like making it look more "intended" (giving them a glow or coloring them different). Will have a look what i can do
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Very nice work Abu Lafia.

The lines are too thick for my liking, but its a personal preference, good job.
Thank you Voolf! Yes, i like it if the lines can be seen well