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Thread: November 2016 Challenge - The Abandoned Outpost of Ebinisia

  1. #1

    Wip November 2016 Challenge - The Abandoned Outpost of Ebinisia

    So I'l start this of by saying that this map will be used in my current ongoing campaign, so if you are one of my players, or the name Yann Perrot means anything to you, please don't look at the map.

    Now that that is taken care of, the real introduction of my map.

    When going into this challenge I had a couple of ideas. But I ended up choosing this one mostly because I need the map, and this is a perfect opportunity to get my lazy ass into gear and actually draw the map.

    So in the campaign there is a abandoned outpost-fort-thingy that now is infested by goblins and the like. And the players want to take over the fort and turn it into the base for their planned drug cartel, of all things.

    Anyways, this once was an important defence for the city of Ebinisia back in the war-times, but after a peace treaty was signed the fort came into disuse and slowly crumbled away. and now a horde of goblins and goblinoids have taken the fort as their hideout, and the Ebinisian city-council knows about this, but are too focused on preserving the peace that they aren't willing to send soldiers outside the city borders. And I have a plan for how they are going to take the fort, but that will be a secret for another upload.

    Here is the current state of the map(s) the first one you can ignore, it is only there to have some context around the basement part (image #2).

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Outpost Fort.png

    This is the fort exterior which is drawn at a much larger scale than the basement. here you will find some barracks, the four top-most rectangles in the main area, with corresponding armouries, the rectangles just under the barracks.
    On the bottom of the image you have the kitchen and canteen, and also the pantry. The crosshatched area in the bottom right are bushes hiding a secret trap-door that leads into the city. where the bushes are now used to be the toilet area, but the toilets have rotted away, and the bushes have used what's left as fertiliser.
    To the north of the main area is a tower, and it is also here you get into the basement.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Outpost Fort Basement.png

    This is the fort's basement. Here there is more notes on the drawing (hopefully you can read it). The hallway in the middle is the starting room (I rolled a four) with a 3 to the north, with the wine/beer cellar for the officers and the staircase to the tower. A 4 to the lower right where I put a jail. and the two remaining rooms where a 5 and a 6, where I rolled a fire-based trap for the left-most one, and a water-based trap for the centre-most one.

    I hope this didn't get to rambly, I just needed to write down my thoughts as I went and my thoughts came here instead of the word document I made for it (which currently is only 4 lines, will probably get longer after this)

  2. #2


    BTW, bonus points if you know where I took the city-name from.

  3. #3


    Because of semester exams I haven't been able to work much on the map. But now that they are finished, and I have a couple days free, I can work on the map again.

    I haven't done much, but I have ran it through Photoshop to clean it up a bit, so it's easier to work with.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Outpost Fort Digitalized.png

    Hopefully there are more updates to come today, and the next couple of days.

  4. #4


    I think this is the final look of the map.

    It is purely meant as a battle map for use in a D&D style game, that can also be given to the players as a area map if they find it somewhere.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Outpost Fort Digitalized with background, grid and noise resized.png

    For the DM's that may use this, for the fire trap I thought maybe a steam vent could be used, but the water trap is a bit worse, so I would greatly appreciate any ideas for the water trap.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan damonjynx's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia


    Someone perhaps inscribed a glyph on that square and when stepped on it summons a water elemental or teleports the victim (with an appropriate save of course) to the plane of water?
    Glory is the reward of valour.

    My blog at:

    Finished Maps

  6. #6


    Thanks for the idea. I think I will go for the elemental in my campaign. But all DM's are welcome to do as they wish.

  7. #7
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by seedback View Post
    the water trap is a bit worse, so I would greatly appreciate any ideas for the water trap.
    A water elemental trap gives a good opportunity for a combat encounter, but if you want a trap without combat then stepping on the Glyph traps the person in a ball of force that either instantly or rapidly fills with water. Take it up a notch: The water is spinning rapidly inside the ball, a bit like Dumbledore did to Voldemorte in one of the HP movies.

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