Thanks Robulous. They are inspirational sayings really (except for the one that says danger), I thought it might be something appropriate for a creator to do considering the map's name

This is copy and pasted from Voolf's comment on the first page but I believe these are the meanings. I used to know but forgot, then I think Voolf looked them up or already knows them (thanks Voolf!)

清廉 (Seiren) - Purity
友 (Tomo) - Friend
喜び (Yorokobi) - Joy
福 (Fuku) - Good fortune, blessing
美しい (Utsukushii) - Beautiful, lovely
愛 (Ai) - Love

(These kanji are not used alone, though they still have meanings)
健 (Ken) - Health, Vigor
危 (Ki) - Danger
忠 (Chuu) - Loyalty, devotion
栄 (Ei) - Glory, prosperity