Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Hey Francesca

I tried printing something on canvas once. It was horrendously expensive and didn't turn out anything like I expected it to. The problem with real canvas is that its really quite bobbly, and the texture has a tendency to ruin the finer details in a hi res image, so unless you printed The Shire on a canvas the size of a wall, you would likely loose all that beautiful detail in your drawings.

Just thought I'd say that before you lashed out on an actual print

If you still decide to give it a go, may I suggest that you enlarge the original by at least a factor of 4, and only get a test corner printed first, just to make sure?

EDIT: also - a little known fact - printed canvases have a terrible tendency to fade to blue if you don't protect them from strong light!
Thank you very much Mouse! Your advices are much appreciated. I really know little about the subject and I will think carefully before invest money in a printed canvas.