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Thread: [WIP] The Isles of Nhost Map. NEED HELP.

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  1. #1

    Default [WIP] The Isles of Nhost Map. NEED HELP.

    I am currently at a blocking point for progress. I've grown to hate how my maps look. Too cartoony or bubbly. I stopped very early on this one as it just looks too cartoonish. I'm using Clip Studio and have scanned in a drawing I did in a notebook as a reference. Does anyone have tips as to how I could make my maps look grittier, or hell, just better overall. I feel like I've stagnated as far as progress. I just do this as a hobby but I'd like to continue to learn.


  2. #2


    Hey Redleg

    I get that you're feeling down about your style and want to change it, but it might speed up the process a if you were to be just a little more specific about where you want to go with it. Is there perhaps a style you would like to achieve, or something similar to it?

    Could you perhaps give us a few links to maps you admire / wish to emulate?

    That way people might be able to return the favour by giving you links to specific tutorials, or at least by giving some kind of guidance on how to do things 'like this' or 'like that'

    The rest, I'm afraid, would be down to practice and sheer hard work, but its the same for all of us

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