### Latest WIP ###
Revised version

First version

Looking for suggestions, critiques, thoughts, etc.
This is the city of Ur (modeled after the ancient Sumerian city of the same name) for a series of fantasy short stories I am writing. I wanted to throw it out there to see what comes back from the Guild.

BOTTOM IMAGE: This is the first image I drew after some thought about how an ancient city (circa 2500 BCE/b.c.) would be constructed, and having done little research save for what I wanted to feature in my stories.

TOP TWO IMAGES: I did a complete redraw of the city after doing some research and finding more detailed diagrams. Historically, the city wasn't well laid out so I tried to represent that with not having everything look so perfect. On the other hand, I did want there to be some semblence of "neatness" si I added streets, roads, and a moderate grid pattern. I will continue filling in the rest of the wall's interiors with urban housing. The two large spaces in the north and west of the city will be harbors. In the center of the city is the temple (ziggurat) and palace complex. The ziggurat is in the center and has a courtyard which functioned as a marketplace, and the palace complex surrounds it. The water source coming in through the north of the city is an irrigation ditch of sorts (from the Euphrates River) and surrounds the temple/palace complex - not intended as a moat but as a water supply since this city is in the middle of the desert (modern day Iraq). I plan on adding the fields outside the walls and possibly enclosing them within a second, larger wall. I will use the same pattern for the fields as I have on the original layout. The areas for the cattle will probably go inside the walls.

Thanks for reading and for your thoughts!