It's an absolutely gorgeous map Mouse! It's been fun watching it take shape in your WIP thread. Congrats in finishing such a wonderful piece.
The Road to Tiamis started as a tonal drawing done in pencil on paper, in response to a friendly suggestion made by Community Leader, ChickPea. The map was coloured in GIMP and the text was added in Campaign Cartographer.
This has been a very steep learning curve for me. I have never hand drawn a map before and never used GIMP before... though I admit to 35 years experience of painting landscapes in oil on canvas
Many thanks to everyone who gave their support and helped me considerably with bucket-loads of sound advice, and a great deal of patience and encouragement here in the WIP thread
Road to Tiamis FINAL.JPG
PLEASE DO NOT PIN THIS MAP! (or if you do be sure to give me (Sue Daniel) credit as the author. Thank you)
Last edited by Mouse; 01-15-2017 at 12:57 PM.
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
It's an absolutely gorgeous map Mouse! It's been fun watching it take shape in your WIP thread. Congrats in finishing such a wonderful piece.
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This is a really nice map, Mouse. I saw the WIP thread, and the work you were putting into this, and it has really paid off.
I like the softness of the pencil drawing, and the colours you have added help it keep that softness. It doesn't look digital at all. I also really like that the only information you place on the map is the distance from village to village.
Lastly, the title and map make me imagine that there is something wonderful or special about Tiamis, and now I want to go there and find out what it is.
Great work. Have some rep. Oops. Can't rep you right now...
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
I really love the way this looks, your past with oil painting really shows and I adore that!
It's beautiful Mouse, truly inspiring, and exciting because it means we get to see what you're going to do next.
Thanks Tonnichiwa
Thanks anyway THW - its the thought that counts
Tiamis, I'm afraid, will always remain a mystery.... unless someone is willing to go there one day and come back to tell us all about it
Thanks Domino44
I found the experience of colouring the map in GIMP not dissimilar to doing a watercolour sketch - something traditional painters do a surprising amount of in preparation for a full blown oil on canvas. There were some really big differences - like not getting my easel shoved over by an inquisitive calf, or blown away by a gust of wind! It was surprisingly freeing not to be limited by the amount of paint on my brush or how much clean water I had left to rinse it out.
Thanks Kacey
I think I may need to rest a couple of days (or at least hide away in some quiet little corner while I practice my mountains! LOL!)
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
A beautiful drawing Mouse !
Very nice last touch to the grass Mouse. I like it much much better now. We need more of this from you.
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
This is stunningly beautiful Mouse. I'm glad to see you sorted that upside down leaf in that tree in the forest near Trobarrow. I just noticed there's a butterfly with one wing bigger than the other in the field next to MerrowOh no, sorry, that was me looking at it wrong.
All silly jokes aside, this is a really amazing piece of work, and to think that it was done with unfamiliar software in a really short space of time, given the complexity of GIMP, is nothing short of brilliance. Well done Mouse, well done indeed![]()