To add to your list Mouse:

  • Orphanage (for all the projects started and never finished... unless that was the intent of the ruins)
  • The Slums (for those poor newbies like myself)
  • Blacksmith shop (for those who work hard on the forum itself making adding features, and creating those nice award Icons and such)

As for period, I'm down with a fantasy medieval style. a good majority of the maps I have seen here so far tend to lean that direction. Along with the time period, we should probably think about the general location as well, is it in a grassy area with farms all around, up in the snowy mountains, or on an island in a tropical zone? (are we getting to far into the details yet...)

As for a regular grid design, here is a thought have an octagonal design, palace in the center and main roads leading out north, south, east, and west like a compass (that is either cool or cheesy, I can't decide) In this case the blocks wouldn't be exactly square/rectangular, more trapezoidal. But still of a regular pattern.

Is this going to be a walled city?

As far as the diversity of the city, I think it should be a melting pot, as diverse as this community. So include all the fantasy races. Just a thought.