This has definitely peaked my interest so I hope I'm understanding things correctly...Someone will map out the main city structure with basic elevation information, main roads, and rivers? and if I understand correctly specific locations like city hall, taverns, and such which Mouse has started a list for will be allocated to different sections by who ever is planning the main layout?...So we will be givin a chunk of city to work on with main roads, and maybe a few key locations which we need to incorporate into our section? and then other buildings, and smaller roads, and alleys, and houses, and such will be up to us?

And if the main level map is top down, but there will be hot links to specific building, and indoor maps can we do these side maps in different perspectives? Sort of like if someone is browsing around the zoomable map they will be able to click on different buildings, and get linked to a different map just detailing those areas, and if they find a hatch in the basement, and they click on that they may be able to view maps of the underground, and sewer system? If I'm understanding it right, it all sounds very complicated for who ever is putting it all together.

Also I think for such a big project the time limit would have to be very long or not at all. I think it would be cool if it was ongoing, continually growing, continually getting more detailed, on all the levels, street view to inside of buildings to underground.

I really like the idea of being able to do separate hot linked maps to the indoor areas.

I also like the idea of it being more organic then square grid like J.Edward suggested.

I've never done a city map before, but always wanted to, so if it's ok, I'm understanding it right, and there isn't a strict time constraint then I'd like to reserve a spot if I could.