Quote Originally Posted by djan View Post
Nice idea ... and a very long thread ... but I would like to participate.

Some random remarks:

  • A possible solution for the problem of having to get all of the parts aligned properly, is to have the city consist of a large number of 'islands'. For example, a city in a river delta like Venice. Or an elven city in gigantic trees; or a floating city. You will have to have the bridges connect properly.
  • Many big cities I know, haven't grown out of one core but often out of multiple cities/large villages that grew together into one big city.
  • Perhaps not every participant will want to map at the same level. Some would prefer to map the entire city of big chunks of it, while other are more comfortable mapping a few streets of even individual buildings. Perhaps this can be used to divide up the work: have some people create a general map of the city, then map the general outline of some big chunks (putting some important landmarks on the map such as cathedrals) creating neighbourhoods etc.
  • Even when everybody is mapping at the same level, the (minimum) amount of detail needs to be determined, I think. This also depends on the size of the neighbourhoods. With a neigbourhood of approc 200 by 200 metres you can have a lot of detail (specifying individual buildings). With 20 mappers this will result in approx a 1 square kilometre city, which is a quite big medieval city. With neighbourhoods of 500 by 500 metres, you are almost mapping complete cities and the amount of detail can be much less.
Thank you very much for your suggestions djan. We are hoping to be treated to a rough sketch of the layout that J.Edward would envisage when he has time. It was he who designed and portioned the Guildworld map last year for the 10th anniversary celebrations. However, he is one of the Community Leaders closely involved in running out the Annual Awards, so we may have to be just a bit patient. I am sure that he will see and consider your comments, and that the wait will not be a disappointment

On the third point you make in particular, there has already been talk of a 5' grid to cover the entire city, which would give all mappers the same reference to scale.

I will add your name to the list at the head of this thread. Welcome to the Guild City building team